Medicine & Health
School of Population Health
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Impact & excellence
Our impact
- Shisha No Thanks! Preventing the harms of water pipe use
- Ending COVID lockdown by targeting transmission with vaccination
- Improving the lives of young people with complex needs
- Co-designing Australia’s first trauma recovery centre
- Supporting COVID-19 communication and engagement with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
- Understanding supervision lapses in child drowning
- Link between prison cell size and infectious disease transmission informs law change
Our impact
- Home
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- Student life & resources
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Impact & excellence
Our impact
- Shisha No Thanks! Preventing the harms of water pipe use
- Ending COVID lockdown by targeting transmission with vaccination
- Improving the lives of young people with complex needs
- Co-designing Australia’s first trauma recovery centre
- Supporting COVID-19 communication and engagement with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
- Understanding supervision lapses in child drowning
- Link between prison cell size and infectious disease transmission informs law change

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