Student opportunities

We offer students the opportunity to undertake short and long-term rural placements, to expand experience and build skills. See below for specific details of how to apply and what to expect.
Short term placements
All commonwealth Supported (non-international) medical students at UNSW have the opportunity to preference their 4-week rural short-term clinical placement allocation in the year preceding year 5.
Long-term placements
As UNSW is a publicly funded university, it is subject to various government requirements. One such requirement of the Commonwealth, the Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training (RHMT) program, requires UNSW to achieve the following outcomes, with respect to rural clinical placement whilst undertaking studies:
- At least 30% of UNSW medical students must undertake an extended clinical experience at a Rural Clinical School campus. There is an expectation that students admitted to Medicine under the RES will undertake an extended clinical experience in rural environments.
- All other local students must have an opportunity to undertake a rural placement and at least 50% must undertake a minimum of four weeks of clinical learning in a rural location.
Allocation to a Rural Clinical School campus
Students complete the online preference form for the allocation of students to a clinical environment for Phase 2 and Phase 3 the year preceding the phase.
Contact us
Rural Support – Port Macquarie Campus
26 Highfields Cct
UNSW Rural Clinical School 2444
Ph: 02 6580 7555