The South West Sydney Clinical Campuses comprise the UNSW efforts at Liverpool, Bankstown, Campbelltown, Fairfield and Braeside in the south west of Sydney. We work closely with local clinical facilities and the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research across south western Sydney. The Clinical Campus is focused on further developing the educational and research opportunities for UNSW students, staff and conjoints across the south west. The campus is also home to the state-of-the-art South West Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre.  

The Clinical Campus works closely with a number of our partners in the developing Liverpool Health and Innovation Precinct, Campbelltown Health and Education Precinct and the Bankstown Health and Education Precinct. Our goal is to grow the UNSW presence in health, education and research in south western Sydney.  

Campus leaders

martin gallagher profile
Head of Clinical Campus


Default profile picture, avatar, photo placeholder. Vector illustration
Acting Clinical Campus Manager


Contact details

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UNSW established its presence in south western Sydney in 1989 following an agreement signed by the Vice Chancellor of UNSW and the Chairman of the Board of the South Western Sydney Area Health Service (SWSAHS). The agreement was to create a teaching Area Health Service and not simply a teaching hospital. It included the public hospitals of Liverpool, Fairfield, Bankstown, Campbelltown and Bowral as well as the associated community and public health services.

In 1990, the first students commenced terms in south western Sydney as an integral part of their fourth year program involving community medicine and general medicine and surgery. All of UNSW’s medicine students rotated for a period of six weeks and were accommodated on the campuses across the south west. In 1991, approximately 20 were allocated for all of their clinical teaching in fourth, fifth and sixth years. Up to one hundred students were accommodated in facilities at any time in the south west.


Year 4 research projects 

The Year 4 Research Project, undertaken by all Phase 2 students, aims to enable students to gain some insight into how medical knowledge is acquired through the completion of a research-related project. The year aims to promote lifelong learning patterns and skills which will enable students to approach future medical challenges in their careers with a rigor and depth not possible without a detailed knowledge of the formal processes of research, literature appraisal, data collection, analysis and presentation.

Doing an ILP in the south west is extremely popular amongst students doing clinical projects along with those undertaking laboratory research at the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research. Many students who undertake projects in south western Sydney obtain peer-review publications and conference presentations as a result of their projects. A full list of submitted projects and supervisors is available at the ILP website, but students can also contact researchers directly to ask about a project.

Recent Projects in South Western Sydney

Postgraduate Research Projects

Student Awards

Teaching and Research Awards