You can check the Graduate Research School website for detailed information on postgraduate research scholarships, in particular the RTP/UPA scholarships and the RTP/UIPA scholarships. Please note that strict application guidelines and deadlines apply.

HDR candidates might get the opportunity to present at local and international conferences. Eligible candidates could apply for Funding for HDR Development and Research Training Activities.

For candidates applying for the completion scholarship (3.5-4 years), the review must: 

  • outline how their progress has been delayed by the COVID-19 situation
  • provide a detailed timeline for their thesis submission
  • have strong supporting statements from the review panel that the completion plan is in place and is realistic.
  • have milestones with dates that are achievable (and not all at the time of the next review).

After that the student can apply for the Completion Scholarship.

  • SBMS Postgraduate Student Conferences and/or Short Courses - Guideline

    These grants are funded by the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBMS). The school recognises that presenting research results at National and International conferences, attending workshops, and/or undertaking short courses as an important part of development as research scientists. This scheme provides eligible SBMS postgraduate research candidates with the opportunity to apply for funding to assist with expenses for these types of research-related activities. The funds allocated towards this scheme are not enough to support all candidates and are hence allocated competitively based on the guidelines and criteria described below.  However, the RSC strives to support research-related scholarships for as many PG candidates as possible.


    Funding will support online research conferences, workshops, short courses or related expenses including registration and course fees only, but not society memberships. Eligible candidates may apply for a maximum amount of $800. The actual amounts awarded are subject to the number of eligible applications received and careful consideration of the budget submitted. Scientia scholars are typically not eligible for this scheme as they have annual Scientia support packages to fund their conference travel. 

    PG candidates will have to present evidence in the application form that they have actively sought funding from alternative sources to support expenses. The SBMS awards will supplement funds obtained from these other sources to cover the actual conference costs. In case there is any surplus SBMS award funds, this will have to be returned to the RSC. 

    Candidates may receive a maximum of one grant per annum and a maximum of two grants over the period of their postgraduate research candidacy.

    The policy requiress candidates to submit their claims and reimbursement requests within one month after attending the online conference, workshop, or short course. 

    Please note that RSC funding is subject to availability each year.  ALL funds awarded for the year must be spent (not just committed) before UNSW financial cutoff for the year in mid November. No claims will be allowable after the finance cutoff date.

    Eligibility Criteria

    1. PhD or Masters by Research candidates who are currently enrolled in the School of Biomedical Sciences, provided their candidature is on track for completion (total EFTSL no greater than 3.5 for a PhD and no greater than 2 for a Masters by Research at time of application). 
    2. Scientia scholars are not eligible for this SBMS PG award except under exceptional, well-justified circumstances. This decision to award to a Scientia scholar will be made on a case-by-case basis and is at the discretion of the Research Strategy Committee. 
    3. Candidates presenting at international conferences, workshops or other research activities must apply for funding through: Other funding sources such as through Professional Societies provided by the target conferences if available. Students will have to present evidence in the application form that they sought and applied for alternative funding. The SBMS award will supplement the difference between costs of the online conference, workshop or short course and the costs covered by other awards. A budget will need to be provided, and in case there is surplus SBMS award funds, this will need to be returned to the RSC. 
    4. Applicants will only be considered if the candidate has demonstrated satisfactory progress at their latest Annual Progress Review and have attended all mandatory seminars
    5. Funding will only be awarded where the primary purpose is to attend a conference or major scientific meeting and present a paper, poster or exhibition on the candidate’s research work, to attend a research workshop or to do another research-related activity deemed eligible by the RSC Chair. Students who attend a conference without presenting or presenting a paper or poster of which the student is not the author, are not eligible to apply. 
    6. Candidates cannot apply for funds to attend an online conference or workshop or similar that is being held while they are on leave, which takes place after they have submitted their thesis. The conference must occur while the student is enrolled. 
    7. Awardees will have to finalize claims and reimbursement of their conference costs up to 1 month after the online conference, workshop, or short course. Any reimbursement requests submitted later than that will not be considered by the RSC. 

    Application Process and Selection Criteria

    1. Fill out the online application form
    2. Applications will be assessed by the Research Strategy Committee and award recommendations made to Head of School. 
    3. Successful applicants will be notified by email with the details of how to claim payment of the grant (which is within a month of the attendance of an online conference, workshop or short course via an ER1 expense re-imbursement form or a journal transfer to the grant account of the applicant’s supervisor if they paid for the conference). 
    4. The Research Strategy Committee will consider the following when adjudicating on awards. 
    • Preference for senior candidates, particularly for online conferences and workshops 
    • Preference to support candidates to attend a National conference in their 2nd year and then an International conference in their final year. 
    • Evidence of receipt of funds from external sources to support the current or previous conference will be positively considered 
    • The scheme aims to give opportunities for all candidates to gain exposure to the International and National research community 
    • Opportunities for research support available through the laboratory / research group and component covered by personnel expenses 
    • Evidence of research progress and excellence as judged by awards, abstracts & publications, prizes, and postgraduate review comments 
    • The Research Strategy Committee endeavours to distribute awards fairly to onsite and offsite SBMS students. 
    • Other circumstances may be considered by the Research Support Committee. 


    1. The conference presentation must comply, or have complied, with UNSW branding guideline templates – see myUNSW - for any posters or PowerPoint presentations and must include the School of Medical Sciences affiliation. Any enquiries regarding branding guidelines can be directed to  An A4 pdf colour copy of the poster presentation or the title slide for an oral presentation must be submitted to the RSC either at the time of application, or before the funds can be claimed. 

    2. Awards can be used towards conference registration fees, fees for workshops and fees for short courses. The funds cannot be used to pay for Society memberships, etc. 

    3. Payments must be claimed and expended one month after awardee’s attending the conference, workshop, or short course. The RSC will not consider any claims or reimbursement requests submitted later than 1 month after the event. 

    Enquiries should be directed to your Research Strategy Committee postgraduate candidates representative, or to the RSC