My team has developed an Australian national biobank of stem-cell-derived airway and gut organoids, and has built a platform for high-throughput functional therapy-testing on patients organoids.

Current projects

Our experts

Scientia Senior Lecturer Shafagh Waters
Scientia Senior Lecturer

Dr Shafagh Waters - Group Leader

(BSc, MSc (Disc.), PhD) 

I am a Scientia senior lecturer at UNSW and an honorary senior scientist at Sydney Children’s Hospital. I lead an internationally recognised, translational research program that focusses primarily on adult-stem cell biology for disease modelling to transform how we treat rare diseases by advancing genotype-specific precision interventions. 

Team members

  • Katelin Allan
  • Bala Umashankar
  • Egi Kardia
  • Hojjatollah Nazari
  • Laura Fawcett
  • Megan Frohlich
  • Naz Ebrahimi
  • Laura Nementzik
  • Kelly Yu
  • Ruthvik Gundapaneni

Associated academics

Research Theme

Drug Discovery |