Petrophysics research is related to the study of flow and transport in rocks and their physical and chemical properties. Our facilities drive research related to the development of subsurface engineering technologies that are critical for the energy transition and future demands for energy and minerals.
Work conducted in the Petrophysics Laboratory is related to our geoenergy research flagship. We are equipped with high-pressure and high-temperature experimental systems to measure petrophysical properties at reservoir conditions. Other bespoke experimental systems are common for many of our industry and government funded projects including fluid equipment coupled to high-resolution X-ray computed microtomography imaging.
- BELSORP HP Isotherm Analyzer
- Probe Permeameter – PROPERM
- Microscope Axio Zoom.V16
- M6500 SpinningDrop Tensiometer
- Pendant Drop Interfacial Tension Meter
- High-Temperature High-Pressure Contact Angle Setup
- Core flooding Units (5, 10, 60, and 80mm core diameter) High-Temperature High-Pressure
- Laser Particle Counter
- Pump 33 Dual Drive System
- Harvard Syringe Pumps
- VP-12k Vindum Pumps
- Teledyne ISOC D-Series Pumps
- Enerpac High-Pressure Saturation System
- Diner Electronic Plasma Surface Cleaner
- Vacuum System for Core Saturation
- Beckman L8-60M/P Ultracentrifuge
- Drying Oven Ambient Temperature
- Drying and Vacuum Oven
- High-Temperature Furnace
- Soxhlet Core Cleaner
- Gas Diffusion Setup
- High-Temperature High-Pressure Triaxial Cells
- Hydraulic Press
- 250 Kg Crane
- CoreTest System OEP-706 Overburden Electrical Properties
- Milli-Q Water System
- Automated Permeameter and Porosimeter
Room 264
Tyree Energy Technologies Building (TETB) (H6)
The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia