Low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry and diffusion measurements provide fluid properties, the geometric environment of fluids in porous media, and are influenced by the wetting behaviour of saturating fluids. This allows for the estimation of key physical quantities controlling multi-phase fluid flow and reservoir performance in porous rocks. The laboratory is well suited to quantify physical properties in the context of geochemical or geomechanical change as occurs in geostorage and geoenergy applications.
Work performed in the NMR laboratory relate to our geoenergy and transformative technology flagships. The laboratory works in coordination with the Petrophysics Laboratory and Micro-CT Laboratory, enabling a strong integrated approach to petrophysical property interpretation by combining experiment and simulation.
- Magritek 2MHz Rock Core Analyser equipped with P54 and P29 RF probes and gradient unit
- Magritek 13MHz profile NMR mouse, PM25 system with 100mm depth resolution
- Magritek 43MHz Spinsolve Carbon with gradient and variable temperature capability
- ISCO-Teledyne E65DM continuous flow setups (4 pumps, 2 controllers)
- AMS-900 Acoustic Phase Separator; 10,000 psi
- ErgoTech instrumented NMR tri-axial core flow cell & straining frame assembly; 5,000 psi, 38mm core diameter
- Daedalus DCH Auto Circulation Kit for NMR spectroscopy; 10,000 psi, 150°C
- Daedalus overburden rock core cell kit; 10,000 psi, 150°C, 25.4 mm core diameter
- Labec humidity chamber M-LC-40; -40°C - 150°C temperature range
- Mettler Toledo S-479-KIT “SevenExcellence” PH/cond./DO bench meter
Room 262
Tyree Energy Technologies Building (TETB) (H6)
The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Contact us
T: 9385 5658
E: c.arns@unsw.edu.au
Nino Zajaczkowski
Laboratory Manager
T: 9065 5217 / 0413 477 786
E: ninoz@unsw.edu.au