The Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship program gives current undergraduate students the opportunity to undertake a short research project with leading researchers. Students will develop their research skills, learn how to present research results, and gain an insight into what further research study at UNSW Canberra could look like.
Up to 10 scholarships will be available each summer and can be undertaken in any of UNSW Canberra’s four stimulating and innovative schools:

School of Business
For further information about the Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program, please contact:
Dr Katie Moon
T: 02 5114 5694
E: katie.moon@unsw.edu.au

School of Humanities & Social Sciences
For further information about the Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program, please contact:
Dr Christina Spittel
Postgraduate Research Coordinator
T: 02 5114 5069
E: c.spittel@adfa.edu.au

School of Science
For further information about the Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program, please contact:
Dr Timothy Trudgian
Postgraduate Research Coordinator
T: 02 5114 5026
E: t.trudgian@adfa.edu.au

School of Engineering & Information Technology
For further information about the Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program, please contact:
Dr Fangbao Tian
Postgraduate Research Coordinator
T: 02 5114 5212
E: f.tian@adfa.edu.au
Dr Daryl Essam
Postgraduate Research Coordinator
T: 02 5114 5146
E: d.essam@adfa.edu.au
The Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship is available from December through to February the following year. The duration of the scholarship is a minimum of six weeks and a maximum of ten weeks. The exact duration is determined following consultation with the relevant School and supervisor.
Successful applicants will be provided with a weekly allowance at the rate of $500 (tax exempt) per week up to a total of $5,000 for the duration of a 10-week scholarship. Applicants whose homes are not in Canberra will be required to make appropriate accommodation arrangements.
Eligibility & application
To be eligible for the Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship you must be an undergraduate student who has completed or will be completing the equivalent of three years full-time study towards your first degree in an Australian University by the end of the current academic year.
Applications must be submitted to relevant School no later than 30 September via email clearly marked "Summer Undergraduate Research scholarship"- Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship Guidelines and Application Form, opens in a new window.
School of Business: business@adfa.edu.au
School of Engineering & Information Technology: seit@adfa.edu.au
School of Humanities & Social Science: hass@adfa.edu.au
School of Science: science@adfa.edu.au