Capability Systems Centre
Research-led and innovative systems thinking.

What is the Capability Systems Centre?
The Capability Systems Centre (CSC) is a world-leading research institute and trusted go-to for Government and industry in the critical area of capability management and all aspects related to the capability lifecycle (design, acquisition, sustainment).
We undertake high-quality research in key areas internationally recognised as being innovative and interdisciplinary, including complex systems science, computational modelling and informatics, decision science, and actionable science.
Through collaborative research projects and consultative services, we provide specialised knowledge and expertise targeted to build the capacity of individuals and organisations to design sustainable and resilient capability systems.
Our recent collaborators
- Future Navy Workforce Branch, opens in a new window
- Navy and Land Capability Divisions, opens in a new window
- Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (Maritime and Land), opens in a new window
- Defence Science and Technology Group, opens in a new window
- Joint Capabilities Group (GWEO Enterprise), opens in a new window
Study with us

Postgraduate coursework
Our postgraduate coursework programs are open to qualified applicants from all walks of life and all parts of the world.

Professional and corporate education
UNSW Canberra offers a variety of short courses that cater for a wide range of needs for both Defence and non-Defence attendees.