UNSW Hypersonics & High-Speed Flows
Advancing fundamental science and capabilities in supersonic and hypersonic research and education.

"We combine analytical, numerical and experimental expertise to investigate fundamental and applied high-speed flow phenomena and inform vehicle design and development."
In aerodynamics, hypersonic speed greatly exceeds the speed of sound. On the ground, sound waves travel at around 340 metres per second. Any faster than this is supersonic, and five or more times faster is hypersonic. Unlike supersonic flow, with a hypersonic flow there is no sound barrier that is broken. As a vehicle moves faster and faster, the heat transfer of the flow starts to become important as the kinetic energy of the object converts to heat in the surrounding gases.
In the natural world, objects such as meteors and asteroids move through the Earth’s atmosphere hypersonically. Space shuttles and other space vehicles that we send to other planets, like the Mars Pathfinder-type probes, are man-made hypersonic vehicles. There have also been attempts to build aircraft that fly at hypersonic speeds here on Earth.
Associated schools, institutes & centres
Research themes
Hypersonic and high-speed flow research at UNSW Canberra investigates the gas dynamics of chemically reacting and real-gas flows. These inform the design of the hypersonic propulsion systems and planetary entry systems required to achieve practical hypersonic flight for high-speed aircraft. This is achieved by solving fundamental problems in aerothermodynamics, including the effects of chemical reactions and real-gas effects on laminar and turbulent flows of gas mixtures.
These processes include separated flows, leading-edge bluntness effects, surface temperature effects, wake flows, and fluid-thermal-structural interactions. We investigate these processes using a combination of experimental, mathematical analysis, and numerical simulation.
Hosting a database of our own high-speed FSI unit cases and those of the international community.
The first demonstration of laser ignition as a means of enhancing the supersonic combustion of hydrogen.
Developing instrumented free-flight models for developing hypersonic control parameter databases for generic flight configurations.
Developing resonantly enhanced shearing interferometry (RESI), a flow visualisation technique for low-density flows that increases sensitivity to density gradients by more than 100 times.
First measurements of 2D two-component velocity distributions in hypersonic separated flows using a non-intrusive technique, resulting in advances in analytical modelling of these flows.
Developing new non-intrusive technologies for measuring fundamental quantities such as diffusion coefficient and viscosity at rarefied conditions, where such measurements have previously proved too difficult to perform.
The world’s fastest scanning absorption-based temperature measurements, capable of 1.6 million spectra per second.
Competitive advantage
We invested several decades to understanding the application of advanced laser-based diagnostic techniques to hypersonic flow measurements.
Our facility, equipped with advanced non-intrusive measurement and visualisation techniques for simulating high-speed flight, is one of the best characterised hypersonic facilities globally.
Our facilities include a supersonic wind tunnel for Mach 2-3 flows, a rectangular shock tube, and high-speed cameras (up to 10 million frames per second) with various visualisation systems.
We are capable of testing models with hot walls, to more realistically simulate real gas conditions of hypersonic entry and flight scenarios.
Our combination of hypersonic and diagnostic expertise makes us a leading research group in the area of supersonic ignition and combustion processes.
We have long-standing expertise in the design, simulation, and measurement of the thermal-structural behaviour of high-speed vehicles and propulsion systems.
We have capabilities for dynamic hypersonic flight testing, including fluid-thermal-structural interactions, tunnel-based free flight testing, and control approach testing like fluidics.
Our facilities
We have a suite of world-class facilities to aid our discovery and research impact in both supersonics and hypersonics.
Over the lifetime of the group, we have collaborated with many university and industry partners. Our research has received continued support from the Australian Research Council (ARC), the US Airforce Office of Scientific Research, and the Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development over many years.
Current and recent collaboration partners on funded projects include:
Our publications
View our range of publications which aim to improve capabilities and advance the fundamental science in hypersonic and high-speed flow research.
Study with us
We offer courses in both hypersonic and gas-turbine engine theory at the undergraduate level, as well as a course in instrumentation. For further information please visit the links below or contact Andrew Neely.
Our researchers
HDR Students
Akshay Kumar Nandhan
Understanding the origins of oscillations in high-speed wake flows
Dr. Krishna Talluru Murali, Associate Professor Sudhir Gai, Dr. Amna Khraibut and Professor Richard Sandberg (external)
Bikalpa Bomjan Gurung
Conical Shock Wave and Boundary Layer Interaction - A numerical study.
Associate Professor Sudhir Gai, Dr Krishna Talluru Murali, Dr Amna Khraibut, Professor Richard Sandberg (external)
Damon Kirkpatrick
Hypersonic fluid-thermal-structural interactions on a buckled panel
Andrew Neely, Charles Hoke, Dylan Dooner and Timothy Beberniss (external)
Mike Luo
Aerothermal shape distortion of airframe-integrated hypersonic intakes
Saleen Bhattarai
Implementation of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo using Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Nicholas Heath
Hypersonic Vehicle Manoeuvring Using Control Thrusters
Patrick Anderton
The influence of fluid-thermal-structure interactions on hypersonic vehicles
Andrew Neely, Nicholas Giannlis, Dylan Dooner