Description of work:

The big data revolution is ubiquitous across all industries, and in aviation, big data is also crucial. While many other industries are seeing a great deal of academic research utilising machine learning and other tools to analyse data, there have been limited applications in aviation. The goal of this research will be to look at data driven decision making and other applications of big data in a specific application to the aviation industry. Applications may be in terms of safety data analytics, aviation econometrics (airport or airline modelling and forecasting), or sustainability (emissions or resource utilisation). The tools available span all data analytics, with options to look at systems dynamics to look at modelling and simulating complex aspects of the aviation industry, or they could be modelling and forecasting using machine learning tools such as neural networks. There are no limitations in the area of application within the aviation industry, or the scope of data analysis tools and techniques that can be utilised.



School of Engineering & IT

Research Area



Senior Lecturer, Aviation Science and Technology Graham Wild
Senior Lecturer, Aviation Science and Technology