Faculty research at major conferences
Banking and Finance faculty members and PhD students are well represented at international finance conferences with a wide range of research papers accepted for presentation. A list of recent highly competitive conferences with UNSW authors and the number of papers included on these programs follow.
2021 conferences
- 2021 Western Finance Association Meeting, opens in a new window: One paper by Peter Pham, Nick Turner and Jason Zein
2020 conferences
- 47th EFA Annual Meeting: One paper by Wing Wah Tham and Elvira Sojli, opens in a new window
- American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: One paper by Thuy Duong To
- American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: One poster session by Bao Doan and Li Yang
- Finance Down Under, opens in a new window: One paper by Emdad Islam, Ron Masulis, and Lubna Rahman
- FMA Annual Meeting 2020, opens in a new window: One paper by Peter Swan
2019 conferences
- 13th Annual Risk Management Conference: One paper by Pedro Barroso
- 2019 China International Conference in Finance, opens in a new window: Four papers by Francisco Barillas, David Feldman, Pouyan Foroughi, Chang-Mo Kang, Ron Masulis, and Konark Saxena
- 31st Asian FA Annual Meeting: One paper by Li Yang
- American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: One paper by Li Yang
- American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: Two papers by Elise Payzan and Rik Sen
- Conference on Empirical Legal Studies 2019: One paper by Ron Masulis, Emdad Islam and Lubna Rahman
- CEMA 2019, opens in a new window: One paper by Li Yang
- EFA, 46th Annual Meeting: Three papers by Pedro Barroso, Oleg Chuprinin, Paul Karehnke and Zhaoxia Xu
- FMA European Conference, opens in a new window: Five papers by Attila Balogh, Pedro Barroso, Pallab Dey, Peter Swan and Cara Vansteenkiste
- Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting Conference: One paper by Attila Balogh
- NBER Summer Institute, opens in a new window: One paper by Elvira Sojli and Wing Wah Tham
- Paris December Finance Meeting (EUROFIDAI), opens in a new window: One paper by Oleg Chuprinin, Arseny Gorbenko and Chang-Mo Kang
- SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific, opens in a new window: Two papers by Ron Masulis, Emdad Islam and Lubna Rahman, and Ron Masulis
2018 conferences
- American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: Two papers by Md Emdadul Islam, Elvira Solji, Wing Wah Tham and Jason Zein
- American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: Two papers by Hao Ming Chen, Thomas Ruf and Rik Sen
- Asian Finance Association (AsianFA), opens in a new window: Seven papers by Pedro Barroso, Chunhua Lan, Fariborz Moshirian, Rik Sen, Elvira Sojli, Wing Wah Tham, Jing Xu, and Zhaoxia Xu
- Central Bank Conference on the Microstructure of Financial Markets: Keynote address by Carole Comerton-Forde
- China International Conference in Finance, opens in a new window: One paper by David Feldman and Konark Saxena (UNSW), and Jingrui Xu (Xiamen University)
- Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM), opens in a new window: Three papers by Seungho Choi, Yeejin Jang, and Cara Vansteenkiste
- European Winter Finance Conference, opens in a new window: One paper by Renee Adams
- Fifth Annual Conference on Financial Market Regulation, opens in a new window: One paper by Haoming Chen and Thomas Ruf
- Finance Down Under, opens in a new window: Key note speech by Ron Masulis; one paper by Pouyan Foroughi
- NZ Finance Meeting: Five papers by Seungho Choi, Pallab Dey, Bao Huy Doan, Md Emdadul Islam, and Juliane Krug
- SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific, opens in a new window: Keynote Address and one paper by Ron Masulis
- Society for Financial Econometrics (SoFiE) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: One paper by Paul Karehnke
- The Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS), opens in a new window: Two papers by Ron Masulis and Kristle Romero Cortes
- The Global Corporate Governance Colloquia (GCGC), opens in a new window: Two papers by Renee Adams, Claire Yang Liu, Angie Low, Ron Masulis and Le Zhang
- UBC Summer Finance Conference: One paper by Claire Yang Liu, Ron Masulis and Jared Stanfield
2017 conferences
- American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: Two papers by Elvira Sojli, Wing Wah Tham, Ron Masulis and Emma Zhang
- American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: Three papers by Renee Adams, Ron Masulis, Robert Tumarkin and Bohui Zhang
- Annual Conference on Financial Economics & Accounting: One paper by Ron Masulis
- Annual Risk Management Conference:, opens in a new window One paper by Elvira Sojli
- Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER) Annual Conference: One paper by David Feldman and Konark Saxena
- China International Conference in Finance (CICF), opens in a new window: Eleven papers by Pedro Barroso, Haoming Chen, Mark Humphrey-Jenner, Md Emdadul Islam, Yiping Lin, Claire Liu, Wei Lu, Ron Masulis, Yinping Lin, Thomas Ruf, Rik Sen, Jared Stanfield, Peter Swan, Li Yang, Jason Zein, Emma Zhang, Bohui Zhang and Le Zhang
- Conference on the Econometrics of Financial Markets: One paper by Elvira Sojli and Wing Wah Tham
- Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELS), opens in a new window: Two papers by MD Emdadul Islam, Ron Masulis and Jason Zein
- Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELS): Paper by Md Emdadul Islam and Jason Zein
- Emerging Markets Finance Conference, opens in a new window: One paper by Mark Humphery-Jenner, Emdad Islam, Lubna Rahman and Jo-Ann Suchard
- European Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting, opens in a new window: Six papers by Oleg Chuprinin, Chang-Mo Kang, Ron Masulis, Claire Yang Liu, Le Zhang, Elvira Sojli, Wing Wah Tham, Thomas Ruf, Hao Ming Chen and Thuy To
- Financial Institutions, Regulation and Corporate Governance Conference: One paper by Claire Yang Liu, Ron Masulis and Jared Stanfield
- Financial Intermediation Research Society Conference (FIRS): Four papers by Claire Yang Liu, Ron Masulis, Fariborz Moshirian, Peter Pham, Rik Sen, Elvira Sojli, Wing Wah Tham and Le Zhang
- FMA Asia-Pacific Annual Meetings: Four papers by Ying Dou, Lixiong Guo, Ron Masulis, Jason Zein, Jerry Parwada, Wing Wah Tham and Xueting Zhang
- Frontiers of Finance:, opens in a new window One paper by Thomas Ruf
- IDC Herzliya Arison School of Business Annual Conference in Financial Economic Research, opens in a new window: One paper by Pedro Barroso and Paul Karehnke
- Northern Finance Association Annual Conference:, opens in a new window Five papers by Oleg Chuprinin, Md Emdadul Islam, Lixiong Guo, Jing Kong, Claire Yang Liu, Ron Masulis, Thomas Ruf, Le Zhang and Jason Zein
- SFS Cavalcade Asia Pacific, opens in a new window: Three papers by Renee Adams, Kingsley Fong, Claire Liu, Ron Masulis, Le Zhang
- Western Finance Association, opens in a new window: Two papers by Pouyan Foroughi and Shikha Jaiswal
2016 conferences
- American Economic Association, opens in a new window: One paper by Jared Stanfield, Rob Tumarkin
- Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER):, opens in a new window One paper by Ying Dou, Ron Masulis and Jason Zein
- ASU Sonoran Winter Finance Conference, opens in a new window: One paper by Oleg Chuprinin (winner of the best paper award)
- China International Conference in Finance:, opens in a new window Seven papers by Kingsley Fong, Lixiong Guo, Ron Masulis, Jerry Parwada, Yixuan Rui, Jianfeng Shen, Jared Stanfield and Bohui Zhang
- Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets: One paper by Claire Yang Liu, Ron Masulis and Le Zhang
- Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELS), opens in a new window: One paper by Claire Yang Liu, Ron Masulis and Jared Stanfield
- Emerging Markets Finance Conference, opens in a new window: One paper by Claire Yang Liu, Ron Masulis and Jared Stanfield
- European Finance Association: Seven papers by Oleg Chuprinin, Ron Masulis, Jerry Parwada, Peter Pham, Thomas Ruf, Konark Saxena, Jianfeng Shen, Kenny Siaw, Jared Stanfield, Peng Wang and Jason Zein
- Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) Conference: Four papers by Ying Dou, Lixiong Guo, Chang Mo Kang, Ron Masulis, Jerry Parwada, Jason Zein and Bohui Zhang
- IDC Herzliya Arison School of Business Annual Conference in Financial Economic Research: One paper by Oleg Chuprinin (winner of the best paper award)
- ISB Summer Research Conference:, opens in a new window One paper by David Feldman, Konark Saxena and Jingrui Xu
- National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Conference on New Developments in Long-Term Asset Management, opens in a new window: One paper by Oleg Chuprinin
- Northern Finance Association Annual Conference, opens in a new window: Three papers by Haoming Cheng, Thomas Ruf, Kyung Shim and Emma Zhang
- Society for Financial Studies (SFS) Finance Cavalcade, opens in a new window: Three papers by Oleg Chuprinin, Chang Mo Kang and Jared Stanfield
- UBC Summer Finance Conference: One paper by Jared Stanfield
- UW Summer Finance Conference, opens in a new window: One paper by Oleg Chuprinin (winner of the best paper award)
- Western Finance Association Annual Conference, opens in a new window: Three papers by Oleg Chuprinin, Ying Dou, Ron Masulis, Jared Stanfield and Jason Zein