Welcome to Governance

Authority for University Governance:
The University's governance is supported by a committee structure which includes the University Council, Academic Board, University Committees and Faculty Boards and committees.
Authority for their establishment and functions can be found in the:
- University of New South Wales Act 1989
- University of New South Wales By-law 2005
- University of New South Wales Rules
Governance provides administrative support to the University Council, Academic Board, university committees and Faculty Boards and committees. It has responsibility for management of the Register of Delegations and the University's Policy Framework and administers a range of statutory and internal compliance obligations, including the conduct of Council, Academic Board and Faculty Board elections. You may refer to the Overview of the UNSW Governance Framework for further information.
Please refer to the Governance Contact List for further information about the team and the appropriate contact for your enquiry.
Templates for Council and Council Committee papers are available here.
Sharepoint Technical notes are available here.