Introducing our new Senior Research Associate in Cyber Security: Dr Mohammad Goudarzi
Mohammad Goudarzi completed his PhD at the Department of Computing and Information Systems, the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Mohammad Goudarzi completed his PhD at the Department of Computing and Information Systems, the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Mohammad Goudarzi completed his PhD at the Department of Computing and Information Systems, the University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include developing secure systems, and he has hands-on experience in the Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing, Distributed Systems, and Machine Learning. He is among the main contributors to several practical projects, such as the FogBus2 resource management framework for large-scale distributed systems and iFogsSim2 Simulation toolkits. Recently, he received Oracle's Cloud Architect of the Year Award 2022, IEEE TCCLD Outstanding PhD. Thesis Award 2022, IEEE TCSC Outstanding PhD. Dissertation Award 2022, and IEEE Outstanding Service Award 2021. Media outlets such as Australian Financial Review (AFR) and Oracle Blogs have covered Mohammad's research findings.
Mohammad has been the Vice Chair of the IEEE ScalCom Conference (2022), Cyber Chair of the IEEE/ACM CCGrid Conference (2021, 2020), and TPC member of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (INTELLI 2023, 2022), Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2023), and International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HDIS 2022). Also, he is an active reviewer in top-level scientific journals and conferences (e.g., IEEE TPDS. IEEE TMC, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE T-SUSC, IEEE TCC, IEEE/ACM CCGRID).