What we do
The CSE IT Helpdesk is your first point of contact for issues with computers and accounts for the UNSW School of Computer Science and Engineering. Our services cover:
- help with CSE accounts, passwords and file quotas
- help with using the CSE lab computers
- help with UNIX commands and software at CSE
- fixing problems with CSE servers and systems
- looking after the computers and other equipment in the CSE labs
- keeping you informed about any problems with CSE systems.
For more complicated problems, please email the Computer Support Group.
We do not fix
- Enrolments and class scheduling. Please contact the Nucleus Student Hub.
- Problems with UNSW computer services such as your zID account, UNSW email and Uniwide service. Please contact UNSW IT Service Centre.
- Student printing access or printing credits. Those are from UNSW’s MPS Service.
Before you arrive
So we can help you most effectively, please:
- bring your student card with you
- note the exact text of any error messages you received, if applicable
- note the name of the computer you were using, if applicable. For example: drum03.
Contact us
Location: Computer Science and Engineering Building (K17), Level 1, Room 111
Telephone: +61 (2) 938 55438
Email: ithelpdesk@cse.unsw.edu.au