
At UNSW School of Computer Science and Engineering, our facilities are designed with multidisciplinary research in mind.

A computer science and engineering academic in discussion with a student

We collaborate across campus to innovate solutions to some of the world's most complex issues in AI, data science, cyber-security, and software and systems. 

We also have the latest facilities to support our RoboCup teams, Australia's five-time world champions of robot soccer, and our rescue and domestic robot teams. These include autonomous robots, laboratories, a soccer field and other RoboCup arenas to help our students prepare for the international tournament. 


UNSW's iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema Research is an interdisciplinary art, science and technology centre spanning several faculties at UNSW. There is ongoing research into the field of safety training in simulation as well as architectural 3D visualisation.  

The majority of iCinema's engineering staff are UNSW Computing Alumni. They work in a range of different fields, from digital media creation through game engine programming to hardware design and specification. 

Many projects seamlessly integrate the virtual reality world with the real world, whether it be immersing people in a three-dimensional space using stereoscopic vision or tracking a person's movements via computer vision to allow them to interface directly with virtual objects and characters. 

Work is also done in artificial intelligence to create believable virtual characters and in clustering technologies to drive large, synchronised rendering environments. 


EPICentre (Expanded Perception & Interaction Centre) is a shared UNSW research centre located at the UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture campus. The Centre undertakes visualisation research in the fields of art, design, science, medicine and engineering.  

The most advanced facility of its kind, the centre represents the next generation in medical imaging technologies, engineering, high-performance visualisation, simulations and applied artificial intelligence. 

National Facility for Human-Robot Interaction Research

The facility is purpose-designed to host a wide variety of experiments investigating how people interact with technological devices, including robots. State-of-the-art sensors are concealed in the experiment space allowing unobtrusive measurement of human physical attributes such as location and limb position.

Virtual Reality Lab

The largest virtual reality lab in the university is established in CSE with high-tech computers and virtual reality headsets that can provide high resolution graphics. In addition to using this lab for teaching courses such as computer graphics, there are currently 10 research students who are using this lab to conduct research in the areas of immersive technologies and brain computer interfaces.

One of the most noticeable projects of the lab is a metaverse project that can create a hybrid learning environment for UNSW and offer a great opportunity for research students to conduct various research projects by using this platform.