Research facilities
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UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering is one of Australia’s top research and teaching schools, with a strong international reputation for innovative research with real world impact.
Our graduates have become research leaders in their own right – or go on to work in government or industry where they have advanced to key positions.
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As a research student, you will develop your independent and critical thinking skills, placing your work in the context of current research and presenting it in the form of publications and talks to the community, industry, government, critics and peers.
While there may be challenges as you grow in your academic career developing your problem-solving skills and research capabilities, you will have access to the very best in academic support and facilities.
Your supervisor is there for academic advice during the progress of your research and the final preparation of your thesis. As a research student, you will meet your supervisor regularly to discuss the progress of your research.
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Postgraduate research students who wish to work in one of the Schools’ laboratory is required to:
Contact your supervisor or Laboratory Manager for more information on induction and training.
UNSW assists research students by providing a wide range of scholarships, ranging from living allowances and tuition fee costs, to travel scholarships, opens in a new window and supplements.
Our school can also provide some financial support for students to attend conference to present a paper. For more information, contact your research supervisor.
The UNSW Learning Centre, opens in a new window offers a wide range of academic skills support.
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Adila, Ahmed | Pore to Core Scale Analysis of Cyclic Hydrogen Injection: Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage | Armstrong |
Ebadi |
Agyemang, Kesewa Opoku | Forecasting Freight Demand for Truck Sharing Platforms | Hossein Rashidi Irannezhad |
Ahani Amineh, Zeinabbano | Impacts of longwall Coal Mining on Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions | Andersen Rutlidge |
Glamore |
Ahmadinezhad, Adel | Effects of Hydraulic Hysteresis on Dynamic Properties of Unsaturated Sand | Shahbodagh Khalili |
Khoshghalb |
Ai, Mohan | Development of an ABM Using Advanced Deep Learning Methods in Transportation Systems | Hossein Rashidi Najmi |
Akhyani, Sina | Computational Modelling of Coupling Processes in Unsaturated Geostructures | Shahbodagh Khalili |
Vahab |
Al-Hajji, Mohammad | Pore scale imaging and modelling of EOR processes | Mostaghimi Armstrong |
Alavi, Seyed Karen | An insight into CLT structures by considering time-dependent characteristics | Bradford Valipour |
Alekseev, Vladislav | Fusing geophysical datasets to characterize rock mass from multiple datasets using deep learning algorithms | Armstrong Clark |
Khalili |
Alfazazi, Umar | Measurement of Dynamic Relative Permeability with the Aid of Positron Emission Tomography Saturation Monitoring System during Coreflooding | Armstrong |
Mostaghimi |
Aliakbari, Alireza | Multiscale Analysis of Lignin Performance in Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement | Hajimohammadi |
Khalili |
Alimohammadi, Vahid | Degradation of Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) | Manefield O'Carroll |
He |
Aljasmi, Ammar | Developing a strategic, sustainable PMO-centric decision analysis framework for public transit project portfolios | Dixit |
Alnahhal, Ahmed M E | Extract sodium silicate from Rice husk ash as silica source using Hydrothermal and thermochemical methods | Hajimohammadi Kim |
Amur, Khursheed Ali | Surveying and Mapping Underground Utility Networks | Kalantari Solatnieh |
Bidarmaghz |
Annisa, . | The study examines how operators choose heavy vehicles. Understanding freight decision-making processes is key to improving sustainable transportation solutions. This initiative aims to inform laws, industry, and technology to promote zero-emissions. | Irannezhad |
Hossein Rashidi |
Ansari, Mohammad Arman | Modelling the effects of aging on the strength and stability of tailings storage facilities | Russell Kim |
Aouad, Gregory | A comparative study between autonomous and user driven vehicle safety on Australian motorways for policy development | Dixit Wijayaratna |
Artigaut, Marion | Modelling and characterising transport processes in granular media using dynamic pore network models and graphs | Sufian Russell |
Ayala, Tomas | Bridge Structural Health Monitoring based on Physics Informed Neural Networks | Makki Alamdari Atroshchenko |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Babina, Elena | The Influence of Dynamic Topography on the Formation and Evolution of the Barents Sea Basin with Computational Methods | Clark |
Salles Makuluni |
Bai, Ting | Urban Change Detection with Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images | Ge |
Sepasgozar |
Barbosa, Maira Grasiele Soares | Urban Underground Climate Change - Sustainable Subterranean Solutions | Bidarmaghz Khoshghalb |
bhardwaj, shefali | Biodegradation of Polyfluorinated alkyl substancesPer and Polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). | Manefield |
O'Carroll |
Black, Emma | Iron mineral redox transformations and their relationship to natural hydrogen production in the subsurface | Waite |
Miller |
Braine, Marilyn | A Comprehensive Management Framework for Biosolids Management | Khan Stuetz |
McDonald Kearnes |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Cairns, Joseph | Assessing the impacts of longwall mining on Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone (THPSS). Particularly, the impacts on the water balance, primary productivity, and carbon storage. This could have water management and carbon budgeting | Johnson Glamore |
Calcraft, Patrick | Ensemble modelling of daily to decadal timescale coastal shoreline variability in a changing climate | Splinter |
Marshall Simmons |
Calderon Hurtado, Andres Felipe | Developing an innovative framework for an advanced indirect bridge structural health monitoring based on a drive-by inspection technology, using a novel model to describe de vehicle-bridge interaction to evaluate the structure's long-term p | Atroshchenko Makki Alamdari |
Chai, Zhizhuo | Carbon-negative synthesis of ethanol by C. autoethanogenum in steelworks off-gases: Genetic engineering modification and Optimization of fermentation conditions. | Zheng |
Ni |
Chan, Chun-Yen | Reliability-based analysis and design of steel-reinforced timber frames | Atroshchenko Valipour |
Bradford |
Chen, Chang | The behaviour of steel lattice towers under bushfire attack | Bradford Valipour |
Chen, Hongzhe | A scaled boundary finite element framework for computational fracture analysis of discretely reinforced structures and materials | Song |
Eisentraeger (Duczek) |
Chen, Kailun | Optimisation of the performance of novel photocatalysts in cementitious materials and their environmental applications | Li |
Chen |
Chen, Yisu | Stochastic nonlinear response and stability assessment of spatially curved structures | Gao |
Tin-Loi |
Chen, Yitu | Long-term behaviour of timber-concrete composite system | Dackermann Valipour |
Foster |
Cohen, Nadav | Wave Energy Generation and Coastal Protection | Flocard Turner |
Conti, Stefano | Quantifying the impact of infiltration on dune erosion under waves and surges | Turner Splinter |
Corte Tedesco D Avila, Marina | Ecological engineering of textiles to reduce the pollution by fibres | Stuetz Fisher |
Cox, ReillyXavion | TBA | Felder |
Kingsford |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Damandeh, Moloud | Analyzing Street Walkability in Cities using Deep Learning | Saberi Kalaee |
Hossein Rashidi |
Deeb, Rachel | Porous-Based Design of Architectural Forms For 3D Fabrication | Chen |
Kate |
Deshmukh, AdityaNitin | TBA | Evans Harley |
Turner Di Luca |
Dong, Bixuan | Shoreline prediction of beaches with different characteristics using deep learning methods | Harley Splinter |
Drinnan, Anthony John | Machine Learning Based Structural Reliability Analysis | Gao |
Song |
Dunlop, Thomas | Applications of nature-based solutions to address climate change risks in coastal and estuarine environments | Glamore Felder |
Dykman, Caleb | Assessing Water Supply Security in a Nonstationary Environment | Sharma |
Mehrotra Nathan Wasko |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Earl, Eleanor | Improving the flood resilience of Pacific Island urban communities | Johnson |
Marshall Sanderson |
Elhadayri, Farj | Constitutive modelling of lightly cemented unsaturated soils. | Khalili |
Russell |
Emami, Ahmad | Understanding and Modeling the Behavior of Emerging Micro-mobility Modes in Urban Networks | Saberi Kalaee |
Irannezhad |
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Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Farooqi, Nayab Iqbal | Synergistic Treatment of Sewage Sludge Using Algae and Bacteria | Ni |
Duan |
Fazeli, Sara | Measuring and improving individual preparedness in response to flood and bushfire emergencies | Hossein Rashidi Haghani |
Ferrer Ferrer, Maximiliano Ruben | Kinetics and mechanism of copper-mediated Fenton processes in natural and engineered systems | Waite |
Pham |
Fowler, Daniel Benjamin | Spatial Epidemiology: How infectious and non-infectious diseases can spread throughout Sydney | Lim |
Fu, Mingyang | Design of meta-materials for thermal energy harvesting | Gao Atroshchenko |
Bordas |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Gao, Han | Creep and shrinkage in Geopolymer concrete structures | Hamed Foster |
Hajimohammadi |
Gao, Yi | Adsorption of mixed PFAS/protein solutions | Lee O'Carroll |
Gharehdaghikhajehghiasi, Mahnoush | Analytical and numerical modelling of consolidation and strain localisation in unsaturated soils | Shahbodagh Khalili |
Russell |
Gilbert, Mikael | Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Modular Buildings through Building Information Modelling (BIM) | Barati Shen |
Goodwin, Kylie | Absolute sustainability of global cities - Benchmarking urban development against planetary boundaries and social thresholds | Wiedmann |
Gossmann, Simon | Energy Transition Amid Geopolitical Competition: Quantitative Evaluation of Democracy, Dependency and Critical Materials Mining | Wiedmann |
Tallis |
Goyal, Anmol | Automated rip current detection using deep learning | Harley |
Gu, Senyuan | Developing Enhanced Modeling Methods for Accurate Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants | Duan |
Ni |
Guanzon, Clarence | AI-driven generative design for low-carbon prefabricated buildings | Chen Gao |
Guo, Rui | Fundamental understanding of iron-mediated nitrogen conversion processes | Zheng |
Ni |
Guo, Yipu | Robust cement-based sensors for smart automation in future infrastructure | Li |
Atroshchenko |
Guo, Youheng | Automated Structural Defects Detection and Modelling for Intelligent Infrastructure Asset Management | Shen |
Barati |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Hameed, Rizwan | Low embodied-carbon concrete using steel slag and CO2 utilization | Kim Kashani |
Hammad, Muhammad | Development of Inverse Model-based LSTM structure (InvMod-LSTM) for Understanding Hydrological Failures and Spatio-temporal Extremes | Sharma |
Mehrotra |
Han, Kwanghee | Application of Satellite Remote Sensing to Assess Uncertain Reservoir Releases in Unmonitored Regions for Integrated Water Resource Management | Sharma |
Mehrotra |
Hassani, Sahar | Multitype Data Fusion for Reliable Condition Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures | Dackermann |
Song |
He, Wenting | Three-dimensional Adaptive Dynamic Failure Analysis Using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method | Song |
Hamed |
Heidary, Mohammadsaeed | BIM based hazard identification approach in modular construction planning phase to improve the sustainability of construction projects | Shen |
Barati |
Hirbod, Fatemeh | Optimization and queue systems modelling at the maritime container terminal | Irannezhad Saberi Kalaee |
Ho, Cheuk Ying Rita | Interface Shear Strength between Concrete Piles and Reactive Soil | Khoshghalb |
Khalili |
Hosseini, Reyhaneh | Development of Hybrid Steel-Timber-Concrete System | Valipour |
Bradford |
Hu, Yining | Signal Control Optimisation with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Considering Vulnerable Road Users | Rey Saberi Kalaee |
Huang, Benjamin | Robustness and progressive collapse assessment of timber structures | Valipour Hamed |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Ibrahimkhil, Mohammad Hashim | Construction Project Real-time Progress Monitoring Through Robotic Mapping | Shen |
Barati |
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Co-supervisor |
Jafarpour Hamedani, Shahed | Indirect structural health monitoring of bridges using vehicle-mounted sensors | Atroshchenko Makki Alamdari |
Jiang, Qi | The development of CFD and reaction kinetics coupled model for optimising advanced oxidation processes in water and wastewater treatment | Waite |
Wang |
Jiang, Ziang | Smart Thermal Inspection and Data Processing for Civil Applications | Shen |
Barati |
Jindal, Mehak | Geospatial approaches to understanding avian influenza outbreaks. | Lim |
MacIntyre |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Kadir, Wan Nadiah Amalina | Growth of Microalgae and its Interaction with Microplastic and Other Chemical Contaminants | Stuetz Dansie |
Tamburic |
Kammanankada, Hiruni | Field Deployment of the Tube Fishway System | Martino Felder |
Suthers |
Kankanige, Dinuka | Improving the terrestrial water storage estimation for hydrological prediction. | Sharma Liu |
Kanwar, Manvi | Monitoring transport infrastructure using multi-temporal interferometric synthetic aperture radar (MT-InSAR) techniques | Lim |
Pokharel |
Karimzadeh, Keyhan | Hybrid structures with post-tensioned timber elements | Valipour O'Shea |
Foster |
Kaviani Hamedani, Farzad | The effect of grain-scale parameters in the journey of fabric evolution towards the critical state: an application of continuous shear moduli measurements | Khoshghalb |
Khalili |
Khondoker, Md Tareq Hossain | Development of sustainable and low-carbon concrete mix designs for construction 3D-printing | Kashani |
Foster |
Kumar, Arvind | An Investigation of the Thermal Behaviour of Geothermal Piles Subjected to Groundwater Advection | Khoshghalb Bidarmaghz |
Kurniawan, Mirza | Evaluating The Impacts Of Climate Change On Hydropower And Solar Energy Generation In Indonesia: Adaptation Strategies For A Resilient Power Sector | Sharma Johnson |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Landers, Evan | Elucidation of the mechanisms of organohalide reduction by organohalide reducing bacteria. | Lee Manefield |
Lee, Isabella | Machine learning for information extraction from satellite imagery, including polarimetric SAR and optical data | Sowmya Trinder |
Li, Jiejie | Study on Multiphase Flow Transport in Marine Natural Gas Hydrate Exploitation based on Machine Learning | Armstrong Waite |
Li, Junxing | Non-deterministic nonlinear response and stability assessment of spatially curved structures | Li Gao |
Li, Zhaocheng | Development of Self-sensing Pavement Using Asphalt Mixture Skeleton | Li |
Chen |
Lin, Xunyang | Nitrogen Removal via Fe(III)-Driven Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation for Domestic Wastewater Treatment | Zheng |
Ni |
Lin, Yinghui | Modified electro-Fenton processes for the elimination of polyethylene terephthalate from aqueous systems | Ni |
Zheng |
Linsangan, Kelvin | CPT, strength and stability in tailings and/or filtered stacks, especially when unsaturated, and when there are alternating coarse and fine layers. | Russell |
Douglas |
Liu, Haoran | Stochastic nonlinear behaviour and instability analysis of curved structures | Chen Gao |
Liu, Jiacheng | Innovative Techniques for Point Cloud Segmentation: Combining Active Learning with Diffusion Models | Kalantari Solatnieh |
Wang,J |
Liu, Jiyu | Assessing post-fire forested ecosystem by using Spaceborne LiDAR over south-eastern Australia | Glenn Lim |
Jia |
Liu, Jizhe | The application of artificial intelligence in sewage treatment and the reconstruction of artificial intelligence structure for corresponding research | Ni |
Zhang |
Liu, Lisha | Odour Emission Modelling from Wastewater Treatment System | Stuetz Fisher |
Abdala Prata Junior |
Liu, Wanlin | A Cross-Cultural Study on the Risky Behaviors of E-bike Food Delivery Riders in China and Australia | Haghani Mojtahedi |
Liu, Yiyang | Structural reliability analysis and robust optimal design | Gao |
Song |
Liu, Yiyang | Durability of Rubberized Geopolymer Concrete Using Dry Cast Technology | Yang Hajimohammadi |
Lodge, Jack William | Transboundary Water Management | Dansie Johnson |
Luo, Jingwen | Sustainability Assessment of Biosolids Management Options | Wiedmann Fisher |
Aryampa |
Luo, Yanjin | Phosphorus and fluorine removal from wastewater using Ca-Mg-Al-Fe layered double hydroxide made of solid waste | Ni |
Zheng |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Ma, Yuanchen | Deep Learning-based Data Fusion: Towards an Intelligent Transportation System | Najmi Hossein Rashidi |
Mahboobimotlagh, Nazanin | Experimental and DEM analysis of critical state behavior of cemented granular materials under drained triaxial loadings | Khoshghalb |
Khalili |
Makhotin, Ivan | Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Computational Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media | Mostaghimi Khalili |
Mandloi, Pushpraj | Investigating the role of particle shape on internal erosion | Sufian Russell |
Mathew, Eric Sonny | Deep learning guided Synchrotron imaging of Complex Multiphase Flow | Armstrong |
Tang |
McIlquham, Jack | Physically-informed machine learning techniques appliedto spectroscopy for mineral and elemental identification | Armstrong |
Mostaghimi |
Memarpour, Mehrdad | Crowd dynamics in transportation systems | Hossein Rashidi |
Waller Haghani |
Meng, Xiaochu | Seismic Resilience of Timber Structures | Valipour |
Hamed |
Mesgari Hagh, Morteza | Service Life Considerations for Shear Design of Members with High Strength Steel Stirrups - And Use of Machine Learning for Short- and Long-Term Prediction Models | Foster |
Valipour |
Miao, Yijian | Self-healing concrete | Li |
Dong |
Moe, Yan Aung | Fatigue Behaviour of Welded Ultra-high Strength Steel Plates Coupled with Extreme Environmental Conditions | Zhao Valipour |
Heidarpour |
Mohammadian, Mohammadreza | Localisation and measurement of prefabricated building elements using depth camera built in smartphones and AR glasses. | Song |
Eisentraeger (Duczek) |
Mohseni, Pooriya | Novel Construction Material Development: Use of waste plastics in asphalt | Khalili Hajimohammadi |
Mostazid, Md Ibrahim | Role of test methods in detecting chloride resistance and alkali-silica reaction of geopolymer concrete | Foster Hajimohammadi |
Kim |
Mousavi, Milad | A data-driven method to predict the sustainability of modular construction projects in their early design and planning stage | Li Shen |
Barati |
Mufidah, Fathiya | Stormwater biofiltration for microplastic removal | O'Carroll Zhang |
Murrant, Victoria | Visualisation of 3D cadastres using VR/AR/MR and screen-based technologies | Kalantari Solatnieh |
Pokharel |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Nai, Kimsrorng | Deformation of Tailings Embankments due to Seismic Loading under Partially Saturated State | Russell Douglas |
Nalinakumar, Harikrishnan | Basin Evolution and Resource Potential of the Isa Superbasin and South Nicholson Basin | Clark Salles |
Nejad, Flora | Develop the Performance of Timber Composite Joints | O'Shea Valipour |
Foster |
Ni, Lifeng | Data Driven-Based Functionally Graded Porous Structures Mechanical Property and Environmental Impact Analysis | Gao Chen |
Ni, Yiling | Application of second-order work concept in stability analysis of unsaturated granular slopes and tailings subject to wetting: experimental and numerical investigation | Khoshghalb |
Bidarmaghz Russell |
Norouzi, Mohammad Amin | Rheological and Chemical Analysis of Bio-Binders and Bio-Mixtures Containing High-Content Biomass in Pavement Construction | Hajimohammadi |
Shahbodagh |
Nourmohammadi, Fatemeh | Pedestrian travel demand: model transferability, behavioural analysis and emerging data | Saberi Kalaee |
Hossein Rashidi |
Nourmohammadi, Zahra | On-demand optimization for real-time workforce and fleet logistics management | Rey Saberi Kalaee |
Nunes Guerrero, Thais | Wastewater Biosolids Process Stability | Stuetz Fisher |
Abdala Prata Junior |
Nurwahyuni, Risa | Production of Microbial Community-based Single Cell Protein from Shrimp Farming Wastewater for Aquafeed Applications | Ni |
Zheng |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Pal, Ram | Effect of the Glass Chemistry on Reaction Kinetics and Phase Development in Alkali-Activated Materials and Their Incorporation into Thermodynamic Modelling. | Kim Hajimohammadi |
Pan, Yanheng | Inhibitory effect of copper on the transformation of phenolic and amine contaminants induced by excited triplet states and the sulfate radical | Waite |
Garg |
Parastar Namini, Reza | Modelling CO2 transportation and reaction mechanisms to predict concrete durability against carbonation and corrosion | Kashani |
Kim |
Patil, Jidnyasa | Scan to BIM Automation | Kalantari Solatnieh |
Sowmya |
Paul, Aaneta | Assessing the Performance of Stormwater Constructed Wetlands for Fate, Transport and Removal of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Heavy Metals | Stuetz Tamburic |
de Medeiros Paulino |
Peralta Braz, Patricio | Isogeometric Analysis of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester based on the Kirchhoff-Love Plate Model in Presence of Uncertainties | Makki Alamdari Atroshchenko |
Hassan |
Pirjalili, Ali | large scale thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of porous media | Khoshghalb Bidarmaghz |
Russell |
Pollock, Benjamin | Structural Optimisation of Multi-Storey Buildings | Valipour |
Atroshchenko |
Putri, Kartika Nur Rahma | Digital Twins for Smart and Sustainable Construction Supply Chain Management | Shen |
Barati |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Qi, Xiang | Integration study of green roofs and solar photovoltaic systems: A trade-off between the water retention and cooling benefits of green roof | Armstrong Jing |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Raihan, Ovik | Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties for Nanostructured Skutterudites by Carbon Nano Tube and Nano Wire Doping | Hajimohammadi |
Alnahhal |
Raza, Ali | Performance of Waste-Derived Materials on Developing Supplementary Cementitious Materials for Sustainable Construction | Ponomar Hajimohammadi |
Kashani |
Ren, Yi | Bacterial adaptation to organofluorine metabolism | Manefield |
Lee Ho |
Riaz, Raja Dilawar | Development of Earth-Based and Low Carbon Material for Additive Manufacturing of Sustainable and Equitable Housing | Kashani |
Hajimohammadi |
Richard, Sebastien | Surfboard fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and automated manufacturing | Pearce Chen |
Felder |
Rong, Peiyi | Machine Learning-Aided Stochastic Structural Analysis in Engineering Metamaterials | Gao |
Li |
Rottemberg, Maria | Investigation of hydro-thermo-mechanical behaviour of geo-energy structures in local scale | Khoshghalb Bidarmaghz |
Ruser, Nathan | Maximizing Biodiversity Returns: Integrating high-resolution & landscape-scale ecological modelling with restoration efforts including in post-conflict regions | Glamore Kingsford |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Safarnezhad, Maryam | Integrated Framework for Optimizing On-Demand Vehicle Services Fare Prices | Saberi Kalaee Irannezhad |
Saffari, Rahim | Expansive soil improvement by means of microbial induced calcite precipitation: a study of hydro-mechanical behaviour at various degrees of saturation | Shahbodagh Khalili |
Khoshghalb |
Said, Samah | Small-Strain Dynamic Properties of Sands | Khalili Shahbodagh |
Khoshghalb |
Salari, Soroush | Simplified Image-Based Analysis of Structural Behavior Due to Dynamic Vibration and Earthquake Loading for the Purpose of Damage Detection and Promoting Static and Dynamic characteristics of Structures: Both Numerical and Experimental appro | Song |
Eisentraeger (Duczek) |
Samimi, Soodeh | Constitutive Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Reactive Soils | Shahbodagh Khalili |
Vahab |
Sebban, Jonathan | Forecasting the Oceanic State at Olympic Surfing Venues through the Implementation of Emerging Technologies and AI. | Harley |
Secadiningrat, Julius Raditya | Motion Sickness in Automated and Electric Vehicles | Dixit |
Regan |
Sefidi Jirandeh, Kosar | Structural behavior of steel-timber composite joints | Valipour |
Bradford |
Shah, Gunja | Development of sustainable and low-carbon concrete mix designs with Delithiated Beta Spodumene | Kashani |
Foster |
Shah, Suraj | Application of remote sensing data to account for the drought and hydrology change of the Himalayas | Liu Sharma |
Shahbazi Sehrani, Mahshid | Combined Methods of Removal of PFASs from Soil | Zhang Hajimohammadi |
Khalili |
Shahoveisi, Sana | Extended high order transition elements | Khalili Shahbodagh |
Vahab |
Sharifazari, Salman | Climate change impacts on water resources for Indian Ocean island Communities | Andersen |
Johnson Palmer |
Sheng, Ziheng | GPS Enhanced Smart Parking System | Taubman Ge |
Shi, Zhiyi | A Probabilistic Framework for Assessing the Fire Vulnerability of Building Structure | Atroshchenko Gao |
Soltanian, Mehdi | Using PFAS and heavy Metals polluted soil as concrete additives: a new approach for immobilization | Hajimohammadi |
Alnahhal |
Song, Zimu | Development of geospatial risk analysis techniques for an early warning system for epidemic diseases | Lim |
MacIntyre |
Stead, David Geogre | Application of near real-time PlanetScope cubesat imagery and CoastSat toolkit for coastal storm impacts and predictions. | Harley |
Turner |
Steffi Joseph Perumpully, . | Bicarbonate activated hydrogen peroxide: Mechanistic insights into peroxymonocarbonate formation and decay | Waite |
Garg |
Sun, Liran | Remote Sensing Applications in Natural Disaster Monitoring. | Rizos |
Trinder |
Sun, Siqi | Characterisation and toxicity assessment of dusts generated in the artificial stone benchtop fabrication and coal mining industries | Waite |
Kinsela Sun |
Sun, Yafei | Smart Infrastructure Asset Management Based on Internet of Things | Zlatanova Shen |
Barati |
Name |
Research Topic |
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Co-supervisor |
Tabasi, Maliheh | Investigating the Value of Travel Time of Sydney Residents by Developing Time-use Activity-based Models | Najmi Hossein Rashidi |
Tang, Yinghui | Nitrogen removal through simultaneous nitrification, anammox and denitrification (SNAD) process in vegetated biofiltration systems (VBS) | Prodanovic Zhang |
O'Carroll |
Tasmim, Rumia | Torsion of innovative timber composite floors | Bradford Valipour |
Foster |
Tavakkoli, Omid | Pore scale investigation of surfactant adsorption behavior on reservoir rock in the presence and absence of nanoparticles using X-Ray micro-CT | Armstrong |
Mostaghimi |
Thapa, Sunil | A Decadal Roadmap for Water Security and Resource Management. | Sharma Jiang |
Tian, Yuhang | Analytical framework for nonlinear stability analysis of steel plate joint | Song Gao |
Tucker, Tobias Alexander | Climate change in intermittent estuaries. | Glamore Splinter |
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Co-supervisor |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Verhoeven, Theodorus | An integrated catchment/basin scale blue-green algae management strategy for the 21st Century | Evans Dansie |
Khan |
Villalba, Imee Bren | Extreme Wave Modelling Across Eras: Past, Present, and Future | Sharma |
Harley |
Vincent, Annmary | Geothermal Pavements: A Sustainable Solution for Urban Heat Island Mitigation and Enhancing Pavement Performance | Khoshghalb Bidarmaghz |
Hajimohammadi |
Vural, Hasan | Optimisation of a Hybrid System Consisting of a Novel Closed-Loop Geothermal Model and a Concentrated Solar Power Plant by Using Supercritical CO2, Helium, Nanofluids, and Water | Mostaghimi |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Wan, Kaixuan | Investigating water balance of green walls for greywater treatment | O'Carroll Zhang |
Prodanovic |
Wang, Chen | Biotransformation of waste activated sludge to high-value chemicals through Lactobacillus-based bioaugmentation | Ni |
Zhang |
Wang, Jason | Expanding the usage of existing CGE-transport interaction models into new sectors, such as agriculture. Focus on problems with efficiency and vulnerability of supply chains in the face of potential problems facing society (disease, global w | Hossein Rashidi Dixit |
Wang, Jieli | Principles, concepts and frameworks in engineering for sustainable development | Fisher Stuetz |
Care Kearnes |
Wang, Yige | Multifunctional Porous Building Elements for Sustainable Civil Construction | Chen Gao |
Wang, Yulong | TBA | O'Carroll Andersen |
Wang, Zile | Long term performance of tree pits in stormwater management and urban cooling | Zhang Osmond |
Washburn, Sidney | Evaluating Alaskan Shoreline Variability for Climate Change Implications Using Remote Sensing Imagery | Splinter |
Mao Vitousek |
Wells, Sarah Louise | Ecohydrodynamics and Mangrove Restoration | Dansie Glamore |
Wijewantha Abeygunasekarage, Hashani | GIS-based Route Solver Analysis to assess the Risk of Landslide Susceptibility | Lim |
Pokharel |
Wilkinson, Joshua Paul | Investigating the social impacts of coastal restoration in Fiji, with a focus on the political ecology of restored mangrove ecosystems and the transformation of human-mangrove relationships. This research will contribute to Project Halophyte. | Dansie Glamore |
Wilson, Katherine | Long-range forecasting of coastal erosion and flooding on wave-dominated coastlines in Australasia | Splinter Harley |
Wong, Chung Yiin | Algal Taste and Odour Production in Water Reservoirs | Stuetz Tamburic |
Wu, Wenhui | Development of an Integrated Water Sensitive Urban Design Modelling Tool for Strategic Flood Risk Management | Deletic Zhang |
Marshall Jamali |
Wu, Yunhao | TBA | Ge |
Sepasgozar |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Xi, Wen | Micro-CT imaging and numerical modeling for two-phase flow in porous media | Mostaghimi |
Armstrong |
Xu, Jiayang | Comparative Study for Inverse Problem in the context of Indirect Sensing | Atroshchenko Makki Alamdari |
Xu, Junxiang | How do external and internal uncertainties affect disaster evacuation transport network design? | Nair |
Waller Haghani |
Xu, Qing | Development of anaerobic fungi mediated anaerobic digestion process for targeted valorisation of high recalcitrant lignocellulose in waste/wastewater | Ni |
Zheng |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Yan, Jin | Modelling Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Soils Using a Mechanistic Approach Considering Micro-Structural Influences | Khoshghalb Bidarmaghz |
Russell |
Yang, Shuyi | Steel-timber composite systems. | Dackermann Valipour |
Yang, Yuchen | Developing sustainable and efficient sludge treatment technologies | Duan Ni |
Yao, Shuai | Multi-objective Optimization of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters for Power Generation and Sensing | Makki Alamdari Atroshchenko |
Yao, Yuanbin | Development of bridge structure optimization program based on artificial intelligence algorithm | ||
Yao, Zuobang | Investigation of converting mine wastes as cementitious materials | Kashani Kim |
Yazdanparast, Tahereh | Green Wall Technology: Sustainable Urban Development to Mitigate Climate Change | O'Carroll Zhang |
Prodanovic |
Ye, Quanyi | Role of groundwater for cultural significant water features in the landscape at Walgett | Andersen |
Rutlidge |
You, Dengyu | Experimental and Numerical Analysis for Structural and Durability Optimisation of Digitally Fabricated Concrete Walls | Hamed Kashani |
Yu, Ming | Damage identification and condition assessment of in-service poles and pipes using smart sensing NDT technique | Yang |
Hajimohammadi |
Name |
Research Topic |
Supervisor |
Co-supervisor |
Zakerzadeh, Mahdi | The Impact of Hydrophobic Material on the De-Icing and the Surface Drainage of Pavements | Shahbodagh Khalili |
Vahab |
Zeinolabedini Rezaabad, Maryam | Modelling uncertainty in catchment water quality | Johnson |
Marshall |
Zhai, Mudi | Combined contaminated water treatment and regeneration of saturated carbon-based material | Duan |
Ni |
Zhan, Yifan | Integration of Geometric Modeling and Scaled Boundary Finite Element Analysis | Song |
Eisentraeger (Duczek) |
Zhang, Han | Artificial Neural Networks Methods for Computational Mechanics | Makki Alamdari Atroshchenko |
Shahbodagh Bordas |
Zhang, Jiadong | Real time control green technologies for stormwater management | O'Carroll Zhang |
Prodanovic |
Zhang, Jiaming | Synergic degradation of dissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) in Old Corrugated Containers (OCC) Whitewater with intimately coupling of photocatalysis and biodegradation treatment (ICPB) | Ni |
Zheng |
Zhang, Liangjing | A Decadal Roadmap for Water Security and Resource Management | Sharma Jiang |
Zhang, Runzi | 3D Phase Field Fatigue Analysis Using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method | Song |
Pearce |
Zhang, Tingting | Analysis of transportation disruptions by using computable generalized equilibrium model | Dixit Nair |
Waller |
Zhang, Xiaoran | Three-dimensional adaptive dynamic failure analysis using the scaled boundary finite element method | Song |
O'Shea Eisentraeger (Duczek) |
Zhao, Caiyu | Design, Production and Application of Multifunctional Cement and Concrete towards a Sustainable Future | Li |
Dong |
Zhao, Enyong | Polyphase uncertainty dynamic and reliability analysis of structures | Makki Alamdari Gao |
Zhao, Ruiyi | Emerging Mobility in Smart Cities Empowered by Blockchain and Deep Data | Hossein Rashidi |
Waller Kanhere |
Zhao, Shixin | Anodic Oxidation Combined with Hydrogen Production in Wastewater Treatment | Pham Waite |
Zhou, Xiao | Dynamic behaviours and damping properties of porous composites | Chen |
Gao |
Zhou, Ziqi | Transformation of iron and natural organic matter (NOM) during redox cycling processes | Waite |
Kinsela Garg |
Zhu, Hongbo | TBA | Wang,J |
Liu |
Zhu, Qixiang | Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Wastewater Treatment and Their Impacts on Climate Change | Duan |
Ni |
Zhu, Yunyi | Application of Digital Twins in the Water Sector | Wang Waite |
Zou, Hui | Hydrology and Water Resource Modelling and Uncertainty Analysis | Sharma |
Marshall |
Zulfan, James | Sustainable weirs for hydropower production and climate change adaptation | Montano Felder |
Johnson |