HPA staff

Headshot of Mattheos Santamouris
Scientia Professor, Anita Lawrence Chair of High Performance Architecture
Deo Prasad at a National Research & Innovation Hub for the Built Environment conference
Scientia Professor, CEO of NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Hub

CEO of Australian Trailblazer for Recycling and Clean Energy

Professor, Head of School of Built Environment Philip Oldfield
Professor, Head of School of Built Environment
Associate Professor, Convenor of High Performance Architecture Res Cluster Lan Ding
Associate Professor, Convenor of High Performance Architecture Res Cluster
Associate Professor, Discipline Director of Construction Management and Pro Chyi Lin Lee
Associate Professor, Discipline Director of Construction Management and Pro
Scientia Senior Lecturer Negin Nazarian
Scientia Senior Lecturer

Former HPA staff and part of PhD graduates


Contact us

For more information about the cluster, please contact:

A/ Professor Lan Ding

Convenor, High Performance Architecture Research Cluster, School of Built Environment, UNSW

Email: Lan.Ding@unsw.edu.au; or hpa@unsw.edu.au