Massive Action Sydney (MAS)
Massive Action Sydney (MAS) is part of a global multidisciplinary Massive Action movement led by international thought leader and designer Bruce Mau and his Massive Change Network that draws on our collective power to design a better future, now.
The Massive Action Sydney movement led by the Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW Sydney is five projects that we are seeking collaborators, partners, and sponsors for. You can find a short video introduction to each of these projects by clicking on the project tiles below, along with a project overview and introduction to our current project teams.
If these projects peak your interest, please join us for our Massive Action Sydney Unconvention, Wednesday 13 March 2024.
Massive Change is not about the world of design; it’s about the design of the world. Bruce Mau
Massive Action Sydney Philosophy
This decade is considered make-or-break for protecting nature and preserving life on earth. The stakes are high as the future is “turbulent, unpredictably uncertain, novel and ambiguous” (IMF). We know that the challenges and opportunities are complex, hyper-connected, and consequential. How we navigate them and how we act will determine the quality of life for future generations.
Today’s complexity therefore demands radically new ways of thinking and collaborative action. Massive Action Sydney provides this ecosystem to accelerate change and impact for the greater good.
Our goal is to explore, reimagine and redesign solutions to critical challenges of our time - the climate crisis, mental health crisis and equity and inclusion – using innovative approaches to create movements of people collectively and creatively collaborating.
Through creativity, collaboration and inclusion, we seek and solve problems to improve life on earth.
Vision Statement, Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture
Unconvention 2024
MAS Projects

Big Trauma, Big Change
What if we radically transformed our approach to mental health?
Learn more
Caring for Country Leave
What if you changed your mindset from what you can get to what you can give?
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(Daily) Delight~Disrupt
What if we shifted common sense to support more restorative ways of being?
Learn more

Making Good Media
What if the media empowered us to combat climate change?
Learn more

What tools do we need to become more responsible designers and changemakers?
Learn more
Unconvention Experience
We want to do things differently.
The 2024 Unconvention is a new, exciting event that invites interested industry, government, and communities to engage and partner with our Massive Action Sydney movement.
The Unconvention experience includes inspirational speakers Bruce Mau, Kevin Finn, Claire Annesley and Steve Lennon along with interactive sessions where we want YOUR thoughts on how we turn the Massive Action Sydney movement from ideas into reality.
Throughout the day you will meet the five Massive Action Sydney project teams and interact with their project developments and prototypes thus far. There will also be opportunities to meet and mix with other industry, government and community voices as we collectivise to create Massive Action.
Photo Highlights

Bruce Mau
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Massive Change Network
Learn more

Professor Claire Annesley
Dean, Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW Sydney
Learn more

Kevin Finn
Founder of TheSumOf, TEDx speaker and author of “Brand Principles: How to be a 21st Century Brand"
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Steven Lennon
Strategist, a changemaker, a storyteller and an adventurer.
Global Client Services Director at GHD Digital.
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