Short teaching courses

Students walking past bookcases at the law library UNSW.

At the UNSW School of Education, we understand your learning and professional development does not stop after you complete a bachelor or master's degree in education. As a leading university in teacher education, we provide a broad range of study modes from online education to short courses and higher education degrees. Our short and online course offering is constantly evolving to meet teacher education needs.

Our current opportunities for short course and online education utilise technology to help improve our offering of special education, educational leadership and gifted education. Our online teaching courses are led by renowned academics such as Iva Strnadová, Professor in Special and Inclusive Education and Disability Studies. At the UNSW School of Education, we deliver in-person and online programs across a broad spectrum of professional learning courses to help you up-skill and advance your career as a school teacher or education professional.

Professional learning short courses

Short teaching courses & workshops

The UNSW School of Education provides professional learning programs and consultancies to education departments around Australia and to state, Catholic and independent schools. Our presenters are current academics with many years of experience and expertise from successful teaching careers, with a wealth of educational knowledge. 

Our events feature renowned academics who specialise in a variety of areas, including:

  • Gifted Education with Associate Professor Jae Jung
  • Educational Psychology with Professor Andrew Martin
  • Special and Inclusive Education with Professor Terry Cumming and Dr Iva Strnadová
  • Visual Arts Education with Dr Karen Maras

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