This report summarises key findings from the 2018 Ecstasy and Related Drug Reporting System interviews that were conducted in Hobart, Tasmania. People who regularly consume ecstasy and related drugs are interviewed face to face about the drugs they use and their health. To complement and interpret this information, data relating to drug use such as health and law enforcement data are also examined.

Key findings from 2018 include:

  • On average, participants were using ecstasy or other stimulants fortnightly or more often. 
  • Around one third regarded ecstasy as their drug of choice; less than 10% regarded methamphetamine as their preferred drug. Typically alcohol or cannabis (both by one-third) was the drug most frequently used among participants. 
  • One-third had ‘binged’ on psychostimulants in the last six months, which refers to 48 hours or longer of use without sleep. This is a pattern of substance use that increases harm from use.


Date Commenced
10 Jul 2019
Resource Type

The Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) state reports