The Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) was trialled in 1997 under the coordination of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) to examine drug trends in three Australian jurisdictions. This work was commissioned and supported by the Australian Government Department of Health. The trial consisted of conducting the complete IDRS in New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (VIC) and South Australia (SA) (see Hando, Darke et al. (1998) for a national comparison; and Cormack, Faulkner et al. (1998) for the SA findings). The ‘core’ IDRS incorporated a triangulated approach to data collection on drug trends, and consisted of a survey of injecting drug users, a semi-structured survey of key experts (KE), who had regular contact with injecting drug users, and secondary data sources or indicators relevant to drug use.
A. Karlsson, C. Breen
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