Plenary One: Opioids
Session Chair: Ms Carolyn Paterson
Using linked cohorts to examine population-wide effects of opioid agonist treatments in NSW. | Scientia Professor Louisa Degenhardt, AO
Keynote Address: The UK supervised heroin treatment trial: success and failure to advance science, policy and practice. | Professor Sir John Strang
Keynote Address: Examining Trends in Drug-Related Deaths – the crucial importance of cohorts in informing our understanding of changing risks and harms. | Professor Matthew Hickman
Global coverage of interventions to prevent and manage injecting drug use related harms in prisons: a systematic review. | Dr Thomas Santo Jr
Development of opioid use disorder following treatment with opioid analgesics for non-cancer pain relief: an Australian state-wide nested case-control study. | Dr Chrianna Bharat
Poster Presentations
Session Chair: Professor Mel Miller
Ms Joanna Zhou: Retention in opioid agonist treatment following childbirth and associated factors.
Ms Kendal Chidwick: Trends in prescription opioid analgesic utilisation in Australia from 2015 to 2022.
Dr Ria Hopkins: Age, period, and cohort trends of substance poisoning, alcohol-related disease, and suicide deaths in Australia, 1980-2019..
Ms Olivia Price: Population ageing and the apparent decline in the initiation of injecting drug use in Australia.
Dr Tayla Degan: Co-occurring DSM-IV mental disorders among people with methamphetamine dependence.
Ms Emily Symes: Presentations and characteristics of trans and gender-diverse patients presenting to an Australian Emergency Department.
Plenary Two: New, Novel, and Trending
Session Chair: Professor Nadine Ezard
The Changing Face of Overdose. | Professor Shane Darke
Emerging drugs of concern - Prompt Response Network update.| Dr Brendan Clifford
Emerging drug use, harms, and markets trends: Findings from Drug Trends 2024. | Dr Rachel Sutherland
Breakout One: Treatment & Trials
Session Chair: Professor Apo Demirkol
New behavioural and pharmacological trials for smoking cessation. | Associate Professor Ryan Courtney & Professor Hayden McRobbie
LAIB in Prison: A report on qualitative data from patients who commenced treatment during a clinical trial. | Dr Amelia Woods
The impact of the NSW MERIT diversion program reoffending, imprisonment, and health. | Professor Donald Weatherburn
We need to talk about contingency management. | Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin
Breakout Two: Community Engagement & Responses
Session Chair: Ms Lisa Russell
Defining approaches and research evidence around Community Action to reduce AOD harms | Dr Peter Gates
Due to a camera failure in 'Breakout Two: Community Engagement & Responses', not all recordings have been captured. These presentations are being rerecorded and will be available shortly.
Breakout Three: Strong Foundations: Pregnancy & Families
Session Chair: Dr Hester Wilson
Influences of methamphetamine use on family relationships: Interviews with family members. | Ms Paige Webb
Effectiveness of prescription smoking cessation pharmacotherapies during pregnancy: a multi-national study. | Dr Alys Havard
Trends in the use of opioid agonist treatment for opioid dependence in pregnancy. | Dr Duong Tran
Use of opioid agonist therapy in pregnancy: Timing of initiation and treatment retention. | Ms Bianca Varney
Plenary Three: Alcohol
Session Chair: Mr Matthew Craig
WHO's Global Alcohol Action Plan 2022–2030. What are the critical issues for Prevention and Policy? | Professor Jürgen Rehm
Recent trends in alcohol use and harms in Australia. | Dr Wing See Yuen
Alcohol Retailers Lobbying activities: A Comparative Analysis of profit and Non-profit alcohol retail industry body policy submissions. | Dr Michala Kowalski