This is a feasibility study to test the effectiveness of cannabidiol (CBD) for alleviating cannabis withdrawal symptoms in a 6 night inpatient detoxification program.

Project Collaborators External

  • Dr Nghi PhungWestern Sydney Local Health District
  • Prof Martin WeltmanNepean Hospital

Project Supporters


To assess the effectiveness of CBD in reducing cannabis withdrawal symptoms.

Design and Method

This is a single subject repeated measures design, whereby one subject is assessed at baseline/time 1, given the intervention (CBD) and assessed again at time 2 (Day 3 of detox) and time 3 (day 7 of detox) and time 4 (28 days post admission follow-up) in addition to daily Cannabis Withdrawal Scale completion. This process is then repeated with 7 additional participants in order to replicate the findings. The intervention consists of 300mg of CBD on day 1, 300mg of CBD morning and night on days 2-5 and 300mg of CBD on day 6 for n=5 and 600mg BD for a further 3 participants. The aim of the assessment is to measure the safety and acceptability of the medication in reducing self-reported withdrawal symptoms.


The study has been completed.


These data provide support for funding submissions for a double blind randomised controlled trial.


The medication was found to be acceptable and free of adverse events even at the dose of 1200mg/day.

Presentation at national and international conferences. The findings are currently being prepared for peer reviewed journal publication.

Expected date of completion
Project Area
National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC)
Project Contact
Professor Jan Copeland
Project Status
Date Commenced
Year Completed