High school students from across Sydney took part in a Planning workshop on Wednesday 28 August at UNSW Kensington campus and surrounding areas. The workshop was led by current Built Environment Planning students and staff and gave students in years 10 – 12 an insight into the world of Planning. Eleven students took part in the workshop, exploring ‘The Spot’ in Randwick, Prince of Wales Hospital, High Cross Park and the streets inbetween. Students investigated ways to develop the town centre so that it was aesthetically pleasing and respected the environment and unique character of the area. They then created a new master plan with their findings, which included considerations for new uses for vacant land and shops, the redesign of specific sites, transport management, and economic development in relation to the demographics of the area.


Considering new uses for vacant land                               Developing a new master plan

The Faculty of Built Environment offers a range of workshops that enable high school students to make informed decisions about choosing a degree, university and a career.

Find out more about our Network Schools Program and associated events.