Wan Nur Atikah Haji Wan Nafi
HDR Student
PhD (Chemistry) at UNSW Canberra February 2019 to present, M. Eng. Sci from University of Malaya 2017, Bsc (Industrial Chemistry) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2012
UNSW Canberra
School of Science
Current research projects:
- Precipitation inhibition of Strontium Sulphate using Bubble Column Evaporator (BCE) method
- Precipitation of materials in control manner using BCE
Building 22, Room 210.
PhD Study Opportunities
Are you interested in Graduate Research? Explore some of the PhD Study Opportunities at UNSW Canberra. We offer a diverse range of Scholarships Opportunities to domestic and international students to suit you and your situation.
Scholarships of $35,000 (AUD) are available for PhD applicants who achieved H1 (High Distinction) in their undergraduate program and/or have completed a Masters by Research.
- Publications