Lucy Post

Lucy Post

HDR Student
UNSW Canberra
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Lucy Post is a part-time PhD candidate in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the UNSW Canberra. Her research focuses on conceptualising the overlap in the cyber, electronic and influence domains of information warfare. This research is done in coordination with her research as a social scientist at Defence Science and Technology Group within the Australian Department of Defence.

Prior to enrolling in the HDR program at UNSW Canberra, Lucy received a first-class honours in Polit...


PhD Study Opportunities

Are you interested in Graduate Research, opens in a new window?  Explore some of the PhD Study Opportunities, opens in a new window at UNSW Canberra.  We offer a diverse range of Scholarships Opportunities, opens in a new window to domestic and international students to suit you and your situation.

Scholarships of $35,000 (AUD) are available for PhD applicants who achieved H1 (High Distinction) in their undergraduate program and/or have completed a Masters by Research.