Samantha Lyneham

Samantha Lyneham

PhD Candidate
Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Social Sciences

Supervisors: Jan Breckenridge, Bianca Fileborn

For over a decade, Samantha has published extensively on a range of modern slavery issues including forced marriage, sexual and labour exploitation, voluntourism, and Australia’s policy and legal response to these crimes. Recently, her work has focused on developing estimates of the prevalence of modern slavery victims in Australia, the attrition of cases through the Australian criminal justice system and the role of technology in facilitating modern slavery. Internationally, Samantha has collaborated with the UNODC on forced marriage, and with statistical experts to accurately quantify the prevalence of victimisation using multiple systems estimation methods.

Samantha holds a Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology, Social Research & Policy) from UNSW and a Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Criminology) from Melbourne University. Samantha is currently undertaking a PhD at UNSW to better understand issues of consent and coercion in cases of forced marriage.

  • Human trafficking
  • Modern slavery
  • Forced marriage