Aarane Mohan has been awarded the Kingsford Legal Centre’s 2023 Nicky Block Prize. The Prize honours Nicky Block by recognising the most outstanding contribution to the work of Kingsford Legal Centre (KLC).

KLC provides free legal advice, casework, and legal education to our local community and helps people who experience discrimination and sexual harassment in NSW. The Centre also provides clinical legal education to UNSW Law & Justice students.

Aarane completed the KLC Community Law Clinic in Term 3, 2023. Throughout the course, she led a student team to deliver sexual harassment and discrimination training sessions for teenagers and young adults, part of which she also redesigned.

Emma Golledge, KLC Director, said Aarane was a fitting recipient of the Prize. 

“Aarane encompassed both outstanding achievement as well as displaying values such as empathy and compassion to clients,” she said.  

“The KLC staff who worked with Aarane describe her as someone who works to a high standard with great attention to detail, and quickly grasps the complexity of client situations.”

Aarane said her time at KLC was the highlight of her university experience. She discovered the type of lawyer she wants to become and feels privileged to have met incredibly inspiring people.

“KLC not only taught me how to be an empathetic and altruistic lawyer but also instilled in me values that I have extended into my personal life. I am immensely grateful to the KLC staff for fostering such a supportive and enriching environment for students like myself to grow and explore,” she said.

Aarane extended sincere thanks to Nicky Block's family for establishing the Prize. Nicky Block was a volunteer solicitor and much-loved UNSW Law & Justice alumna with close ties to the KLC. Her family donated the annual prize in honour of Nicky’s passion for social justice and access to justice.